One bank of technology creating a savings motor ?

If JPMorgan or another bank of technology is handling the 4th economic gesture over the money and running to open the 4G3W, in our team we are not selling any rights. Just we stay open to listen.

The savings motor, is so small as cellphone with just a new window on the little screen to activate your datevalors account. You-do-mark-your-money just with your finger. Soon just if you brain-it, turning under skin nanotech implanted biomoney self decision.

The technology running 4G3W automatic plusvalues cashkeeping is now going out of the ROPES (Researh Office Protocols Encoding Security) as the first step in rights agreements before the software big public production. It was the job of our techies and engineers.

Now, Sillicon teams, Nokia, Google, Windows, are challenged to win the 4G3W screen to datevalue the money. We keep the basis 4G3W rights for everybody.

By the moment the screen that allows "you-do-mark-your-money" or "marca-tu-dinero" is owner's free. And the banks of technology are not involved in the economic mutation.